I was introduced to Bitcoin talk org six years ago but I never took it serious because I feel digital money is not real. My non willingness to learn, has cost me a life changing opportunity but now, I know better😀.
I really don't get to think much on lost chances nor do I blame people about it. Even if the time were to be reversed, the chances are that you might have made the same exact choice as, you still won't have known better and the elements to thwart your decisions would still be there and very much active too.
When it comes to bitcoin or cryptocurrencies in general, some of the questions has been to how real it is and it is sad really. That people seem to center their believes or ideas of what is real with something tangible. You know forgetting that there are context to things and on the part of digitalised nature of things, bitcoin or cryptocurrencies is as real as it gets.
Ideas have been a distinctive factor between investors and the many struggling today. Of course finance can play a role but mainly, your ideas and that could be more of the reason why you @OP didn't take the leap. The goodnews is, its not late now.
No one can steal your bitcoin
I wonder how the the hacks and prising does happen then.
Of course if your careless with your security or chose to save your coin on centralised exchanges in contrats to non custodial wallets, you might have some dark clouds gathering right above you, waiting to rain heavy.