Well done you. I don't expect they'll get a fortune from crypto donations, but still, it doesn't cost them anything to have such option.
Thank you very much, honestly, I was a bit nervous bringing it up, but I had the same thought as you... "It doesn't cost anything". Why not try?
And also now they're the only business in the world accepting clams
(excluding JustDice that is)
Hey hey hey, my exchange & faucet supports CLAM!!! So does FreiExchange (
I got a giggle out of your post though.
For some reason, the
Reddit Monero crowd is eating my ass over CLAM. "Why do you have a dead shitcoin listed as #2?!" I then do my best to explain I listed the coins in alphabetical order and C comes before M... sigh.
Peaches (Yes I know it's a strippers name and to make it worse it's a male cat) approves your post
LOL, poor misgendered cat!! I'd just nickname him "peachers". It sounds more masculine
Are they converting to fiat / what are they doing with the donations to convert them to things they need?
My plan is to use the cryptocurrency donated as a "nest egg" for the future. This shelter has a Board that is really high quality, so fiat isn't a huge deal at the moment. Also, all of the fundraisings for the shelter are done in fiat, so that stuff is already accounted for over the past 20 years of their existence. If shit absolutely hit the fan... I'm sure the cryptocurrency could be traded for gift cards (likely for a discount too) for supplies and fiat for employee wages, but right now it's a nest egg for the future. The Shelter could really use a new building and they are wanting to build a "Spay/Neuter Clinic" as well, I'd love to see these donations mature into something awesome like that.
My thought is... if you can figure out a complicated problem in Arkansas (AR is a *tough* state). Then that solution can be implemented almost anywhere. Arkansas is a great state to learn tough lessons, that's probably why the largest company in the world is from here. Walmart.
Who has / controls the private keys do they understand the security implications or are you now executive VP in charge of Crypto handling. Been there, done that on my end and finally had to show someone else the ropes so to speak.
Yes, I'm handling it all. I don't have a fancy title though, I'm just a piss ant volunteer board member on a few committees that and I'm trying to learn & help.
It's pretty easy for me, seeing that I already handle all of the
AltQuick.com accounts and accounting.
I just created a separate account for the shelter on AltQuick. The CLAMS are being held on
Just-Dice, so that the Shelter earns the stakes. (Altquick doesn't pay customers stakes because I'm worried that could be viewed as "paying interest", which would put us in a category I don't want to be in seeing that we are a USA based company. At the same time, I want the Shelter to do as best they can with as little technical effort in regards to Cryptocurrency as possible.)
I also am helping maintain their website, so adding the cryptocurrency options was a breeze... as compared to trying to teach someone with their eyes glazed over (a common theme I've noticed when I try to explain this stuff).
Always an honor to have you comment on one of my posts. I hope your family, your kitty, and yourself are all doing good these days!
I saw that this morning while auditing deposits. Thank you very much! At least my efforts weren't in vain. "Hey at least this idea got one donation!!" That is infinitely more than no donations!
Not much, because Europoor, but hopefully the inevitable Bitcoin pump will multiply the value
I cheaped out on the tx fee but will boost it up if not confirmed.
Pennies add up and they can add up quickly in this industry. If Bitcoin hits a million bucks or more, that's a fair bit of dog/cat food!
Send those tx's with 1vsat and let them sit IMO. No reason to rush a little Humane Society donation for the next block... that seems silly to me.
Plus your tx has long since confirmed at this point... long live the 1vsat sends.
Thank you very much pawel7777. I shall do my best. <3