Before allowing more funds please think twice about why not send you the proof of the 0.002% target.
You're right.
His latest reply on telegram: "
I am in bed and going to sleep. I have a migraine.
I don’t know what showing you the percentage changes.
Update you tomorrow"
Now Im afraid that he gambled with my loaned amount and lost it all and wants money again to gamble back. Also, some member told me that it takes millions to wager to reach a goal of +0.09%. Im loosing hope. Thats why maybe he is not showing me screenshot again.
But atleast he is still replying actively and also gave his phone number, so maybe theres a slight chance.
Yeah sorry. I got it wrong and he needed 135000 is wager for 0.09%. Anyway the behaviour is strange. Also it would be good to see a message from the stake support that states he gets amount x for every 14%.
@ Shasan : He is only blocked from chat support I guess, not from the site. He will still be able to contact his VIP host as this is via telegram.
Anyway, strange story and I hope Ed gets the promised repayment!