Hi everyone. Recently I started diving deeper into Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and there are some questions or behavior that I am really curious about.
For example,
When you borrow some assets, you needed some assets as collateral (this is given).
But, what if instead of borrowing some assets, you can just use the one you are willing to use as collateral?
Can anyone have a good explanation here of borrowing using collateral versus not borrowing and using the collateral instead for the exchange of other assets?
You have 1 ethereum at its price of 1500 dollars for example.
On the DeFi platform, you can get from 100 to 1000 USDT against 1 ethereum. If the price of Ethereum has risen, then you can take more USDT as collateral. If the price of ethereum drops to $900, then you will have your $1000 left

. And DeFi ecosystems additionally distribute their tokens to all users. It's all a lot of fun and seems like a break even trade, but there are always smart contract risks involved. Hacking a smart contract, developer mistakes can deprive you of all collateral.
There are many reasons for using DeFi ecosystems: token farming for users, financial manipulation, risk diversification, and so on.
But there is a big downside
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