I haven't got it yet, though: is this like private stuff? Academic work? If you have an idea, about a new consensus mechanism, which you haven't discussed yet, probably talking about it is wise choice.
I spent a bunch of time building a game on ethereum awhile back and when I discovered all the issues ethereum was having with consensus I became afraid to launch it and instead got real into trying to understand why decentralized systems always seem to always fail at scale. I ended up feeling like I was hitting a wall as I only had so many blockchain networks to reference because they all boiled to some iteration of POW or POS. Thats when I started looking at different observable decentralized systems in the universe because if you look at something like genetics as software its been debugging and optimizing itself for way longer that anything we've built. Things like societal norms, government, fungus, particle based physics, colonial organisms, etc. there were just so many reference options. I started playing around with different locally simulated p2p networks that I based off some of these systems to try and understand how they work. Thats when I realized that the transactions in an economic ecosystem advance state of an economy similar to the way environmental nutrients is used in fungal mycelium to advance its next physical state(mycelium uses the nutrients to grow in a way that optimizes nutrients access in the next state thus creating a cycle of continuous environment based optimization). Using this concept as a new base mechanism for fuelling consensus I started working on a consensus method that uses transactions as the mechanism for defining resource reallocation. At this stage I am fairly confident that the general consensus works as I have done multiple local simulations and talked to a few people I know who are fairly experienced in the field.
Regarding why I haven't publicly discussed it, during my time working on the ethereum project I dealt with so many scammers and dishonest people that it made me want to minimize community interactions and reliance until I felt I had a real solution. Im also still feeling out how I want to release it as its very important to me that its launched properly distributed and decentralized. It seems that many of the potential risks with bitcoin go back to the way it was launched and initially distributed. I'm mostly just testing the market to see what demand is like for a better long term consensus solution so I can plan accordingly.
If I make too much public too early people can start making illegitimate dupes which I feel may cloud market trust when it comes to trusting a new consensus method.
and thanks ill check out matrix