Does this mean that I'm unable to salvage the wallet file?
Probably not, error doesn't look like a failed salvage attempt.
It's self-explanatory, it may happen if you've accidentally entered the command in quick succession, have the wrong date or other reasons why it failed to rename the original wallet.dat into a backup file.
Anyways, did it created a new "
wallet.dat" file in place of the old "
my_wallet.dat"? If so, try if it'll load in Bitcoin Core with "
File->Open Wallet".
BTW, I take that you've already created a backup of your wallet.dat, it's mandatory, specially before attempting to use pywallet.
So I renamed the wallet from mywallet.dat to just wallet.dat. It's in this location... "C:\Users\l_\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\wallets\wallet.dat"
Running the command 'bitcoin-wallet -wallet=wallet.dat salvage' returns
Failed to rename C:\Users\l_\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\wallets\wallet.dat to C:\Users\l_\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\wallets\wallet.dat.1676046638.bak
The file name of wallet.dat.1676046638.bak changes with each attempt to run that command, just the last few numbers. I assume this is so it doesn't overwrite anything.
Running the command also creates new files and a folder called database in "C:\Users\l_\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\wallets".
It looks like this:
File Folder [database]
WALLETLOCKFILE [.walletlock]
Text Document [db]
DAT File [wallet]
Previously the only file in this folder was the wallet.dat file...
Opening the Text Document, db, I get the following text
C:\Users\l_\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\wallets\wallet.dat: unsupported btree version: 10
In the database file folder there is a text document called log. I'm unable to read this as it's some illegible bytes text.
And the .walletlock file is empty.
I'm assuming that the next step would be to solve why it isn't created the wallet.dat.%numbers%.bak file , because of the failed to rename error...
By the way I'm able to create the wallet.dat.%numbers%.bak file using healthy wallets. For this corrupt wallet though it doesn't seem to work.