Hello everyone this is Realking. i need your opinion it has been more than 1 year I am working in different bounties campaigns. everyone wants to learn something new and grows up and with the passage of time and I wants it too. so, I decided to start my work with bounties management teams. Please you people guide me is this is even possible? if yes then how can i start it?
I mean you have been here since 2years now, but you have only been participating in bounty campaigns as a participant and posting social media reports and nothing more. How exactly do you plan to earn some merits to move on to the next rank keeping the goal of being a bounty manager aside? For that you would need some reputation on this forum at least, obviously being labelled "bounty spammer" is not one of that.
Have you participant in any constructive discussions on this forum or even any discussion threads at all? Please consider taking part in the forum more and not use it as a place to dump your twitter reports only.
Once you start gaining some traction think about offering your services as an apprentice manager.