People forget that the adoption of bitcoin has grown significantly since its creation and you can buy almost anything you want with it, right now the only problem is that if you live in a country in which bitcoin is illegal or heavy regulated the purchase of psychical goods could be complex as the local merchants will be afraid of accepting bitcoin directly.
But when it comes to the purchase of digital goods bitcoin is a great option for merchants as once the transaction has enough confirmations it becomes irreversible, which is a big problem for merchants when dealing with a payment option like PayPal.
I believe that adoption will continue to rise significantly in the future. So far we have seen companies that started to accept one by one, but recently we have started to see some nations start to accept it as well, so far there are just 2-3 nations that made it legal tender but that's how it all starts.
I believe that we are going to start seeing more and more nations on the next bull run, and plenty more on the one following that. I am not saying USA will make it legal tender one day, that may not happen, but if there are 40 nations that made it legal tender, that's all we will need for adoption, it makes the whole nation accept it instantly.