please i need our help.
Electrum is non-custodial and the 2FA service provider (
TrustedCoin) don't have access to your 2FA wallet's other two master keys.
Also, your wallet files aren't saved online, it's in your PC or device's storage
so the only way that it's created as 2fa is if you or someone who have access to your PC have setup a 2fa wallet.
Or other reasons like you're using a fake Electrum wallet which can easily be detected by verifying its signature: files for old versions can be downloaded here: (
find the correct '.asc' file for your wallet's version)
The only way to spend from it is to have access to either two of the three master keys:
TrustedCoin has one, your wallet file has one and your seed phrase has two.
So you either need the "
seed phrase" which you should've saved
or the wallet (
and its password) plus the master key in TrustedCoin's server.
Regarding the latter, you can try to contact them to see if there's a chance to provide a new authenticator, use the email that you've used to setup the 2FA wallet.
but AFAIK, they do not usually entertain such requests
Link to FAQ: to Contact (
read the note):