Pooya87 is correct. I have tested it.
Generating the adjacent public key takes a fraction of a second.
The private key however, takes MUCH longer as we all know.
Each public key on an elliptic curve is a point that is the result of multiplication of k and G (the generator point) and multiplication can be defined as how many times you add G to itself. In other words k*G is adding G to itself k times and (k+1)*G is adding G to itself (k+1) times or if you already have added G to itself k times (the result of k*G) you just have to add one more G to it.
To put simply if you want to find the "adjacent" public key you just compute public key + G!
It is a pointless thing to do though. It is like telling you to give them a random number so that they can tell you the adjacent numbers, you say 564132127 and they tell you the next number is 564132128