Il y en a peut-être davantage sur le forum anglophone ? Il y a même l'élection de Miss Bitcointalk. Mais comment arrivent-ils à ces stats, c'est ça que je me demandais ...
Surtout ce sont des données relatives au public qui consulte, qui ne participe donc pas forcément. Et ça peut être des visites dues à de simples requêtes google notamment (Même si ça me semble tres élevé comme chiffre malgré tout).
En revanche je ne suis pas sûr que l'élection de Miss Bitcointalk soit un très bon exemple, parce que jusqu'à preuve du contraire personne ne contrôle les petites culottes avant de décerner le prix et quand je lis ce genre de post, je me pose des questions.
Has it really been four years? It's hard to believe that what started as a practical joke all those years ago would get quite
this out of hand, but here we are. It has led to so much mischief and controversy of the sort perfectly becoming of a fox: a
gay prostitution and/or pornography scandal, me
winning Miss Bitcointalk twice despite confusion* as to whether I qualify, and many more shenanigans both public and private (including this one). None of this would be possible without the support of my loyal band of foxhole felchers, followers, and wannabes (you know who you are). And so, as
promised last year, I am celebrating by offering a new peek into everybody's favourite foxhole. (Peek linked offsite because SENSOR SHIPS.)
*This thread should hopefully eliminate all pre-existing confusion and replace it with exciting new confusion.
Local rules: No transphobia, homophobia, trypophobia, etc. If you have a problem with certain kinds of holes, keep it to yourself; nobody's forcing you to look at them.