Reading the OP's latest replies, one can see that he is very concerned about replies on off-topic that deviate from the topic. But if you look closely at the behavior of the OP himself, he often violates these rules himself, answering here and there with completely useless posts.
Some people have made a remark to him, to which he practically does not react.
I finally managed to surpass 30 posts after 9 yrs in the forums. This feels like a feat to me and I shall celebrate the rank up. They say 30+posts will rank you up but I don't know where to see my ranking up.
Oh god, that is a proud achievement and deserves to be celebrated. 9 years for 30 posts is something extraordinary. I hope to be as good as you. What you do is so totality that you need 9 years just to make 30 posts. Let's celebrate your achievement
Stop making fun of others please, this is internet if you want to be cool be it IRL otherwise you will be the one that people laugh at, just a free tip!
I would rather be inactive like that then a merit begger like you & maybe the can't spend 14 hours / day like you here.
Have a great day / CC!
Stop making fun of others please, this is internet if you want to be cool be it IRL otherwise you will be the one that people laugh at, just a free tip!
I would rather be inactive like that then a merit begger like you & maybe the can't spend 14 hours / day like you here.
Have a great day / CC!
As this is a self-moderated topic, maybe the OP BitcoinGirl.Club, could check the discussion, there seems to be a lot of trolling and spam posts that should be deleted.
OP, do you need a buzzy topic to get everyone's attention? But you're only good at trolling, right? Therefore, the question of creating such a topic worries me the most.
Tapi berdasarkan saran dari temenku si lebih baik main-main di local board dan di board other. di local untuk menjalin kedekatan, di other-pun sama (karena di sana tidak masuk dalam hitungan signature). Tidak ada yang akan memberikan merit secara cuma-cuma kepada orang yang tidak di kenal.
Saya liat agan sering di childboard gambling.. Ngapain gan, kebanyakan yg komentar disana cuma formalitas buat tugas signature. Kecuali agan suka dengan gambling.
Eh kok gini ya.. maaf gan, tidak seharunya newbie kasih masukan ke seorang jr.member
But based on my friend's advice, it's better to play on the local board and on other boards. on the local to establish closeness, on the other it's the same (because it's not included in the signature count). No one will give merit for free to people who are not known.
I see you are often on childboard gambling.. What are you doing, bro, most of the comments there are just formalities for signature assignments. Unless you like gambling.
Eh, how come it's like this... I'm sorry, bro, a newbie shouldn't give input to a jr. member