All you need is a wallet; if it's not a hardware wallet, let it be, Electrum. Download it only from the official site, add to favorites,, and after downloading, check the GPG signature anyway. Next, you need to store your seed phrase in a safe place, write it down, and save it there so that no one can get to it. In no case, do not trust storage either on a computer or on a phone, as well as in archives and cloud storage.
In addition, learn how to use Linux systems; do not trust the Windows systems, so that they do not talk about their reliability. Having understood the advantages of using Linux, you will immediately understand all the inconveniences of Windows.
Don't trust the Chrome browser. Download Firefox for yourself, and don't make a Christmas tree out of your browser by installing a bunch of extensions. uBlock Origin will save you from unnecessary ads.
Do not trust short links; do not open links in your mail from unverified people; and always check if you insert the wallet address correctly when making transactions.
In fact, all the advice that was given by users boils down to one thing: the best application for saving your money is in your hands. And it's called "Attention". If your computer is related to finances, forget about games and entertainment on it or social networks that promise a lot of temptations. Split your hard drive in two, if necessary, and set the system purely for finance.