Two days reward sent.
Welcome for new participants.
With each next member we are closer to results!
Reward sent in one transaction Wallet: 0xE766c14c3673AFf4E99813B5231d63B7f08dD911
bsc addy : 0x21a2F80C49b736A9F6005487E7031D332F0a6366
Bsc Wallet: 0xeE496AD2535fcE78D7663e104B65f0E5Bf796Dda
BSC Wallet: 0x0A6C0f106B31dEBD71ECF1Be774F720D94a3e77c
Bsc Wallet: 0x7Ea523815E0e3DE21550f8b7f2E0d7C4129697ff
Welcome on board, daily reward sent in transaction above:
BSC Wallet: 0x4297Ac525AfF0c6eC7450525026C3BfBD8b794C6
Please setup signature for participation:
Bsc : 0xEf9945A4942Ce45693DdaBFC22eD91D21DB4ECEb
Yes, still open. Join.
Is the signature Campaign still open?