I was able to use avatars today, I tried using avatars from my gallery and apparently nothing worked. All the images I have are too large. It turns out that there are special requirements for avatars "120px wide, 80px high, and 100 KiB size". Can this be done automatically? So that images can be automatically resized after uploading?
I like the
old school design of this forum (everything ingenious is simple) and the absence of such automation, such as resizing the picture on the avatar. Why complicate something that has been working for years?
You'll suffer once and then you won't want to change your avatar for a long time (won't want to do this again).
What difficulties might there be with manually changing the size of an avatar? Nowadays, a similar function is available in any graphic editor and there are online versions where you don't need to download or buy an application. In fact, this is a matter of 5 minutes or a couple of clicks. Even a schoolboy can handle this.
By the way, I don’t see an avatar on your profile. Have you ever been unable to figure out how to do this?