For example, imagine a central processor (control board) that can simultaneously control 20 Hasboard S9 boards, it would be 120TH. Maybe in immersion.
You would have a machine made out of old used chips, highly energy inefficient that will probably never make a penny even if you got them for free.The s9 is making 84 cents while burning 32kwh, anyhwere above 3 cents per kWh with those chips you're at a loss. What would be the point?
The KS3 antminer costs 15 thousand dollars. It cost 50 thousand dollars. Therefore, it should have a manufacturing cost of 500 dollars, like the current S19.
Everything costs as much as you're willing to pay for it!
If anyone would be able to make the machine for $2000 he would have done so and sell it for $14 000, making a profit and outsmarting bitmain. But nobody was able to! Second thing, would you sell all the chips on a miner you have paid 15k for, and which would make you $100 a day for 500? Again, no!
People created a virtual computer within Minecraft that runs Minecraft... the sky is no longer the limit.
You can build a Pachinko game in a game because it's just code, here you need a special physical tool in order for that, the chip, in Minecraft you could build an ASIC miner or a Bitcoin mining farm, it won't mine a single coin, just as playing Farmville will not give you a single apple.