I agreed, they gave me all the tools to work with, even gave me moderator credentials to log in to the game. When I completed part of the work, I began to demand payment from them for the work done, as we agreed with them. As a result, as often happens, they stop responding and block me. Yes, I realized my mistake that I don't need to agree to pay outside Fiverr,
Sorry for your bad experience, but Fiverr holds payments in escrow and depending on the last time I used them, escrow period can be up to two weeks. You have only lost your time, contact them to pay you, and I do not think that they will scam you because you now know the site’s infrastructure and you can sell the site’s data to hackers or steal money from them. wait for their response, as perhaps there was a problem, and if they want to scam you, report it here and consider that the time you spent in checking code it is a lesson for you not to accept work without escrow.