I don't think it's that simplier. Why hasn't Monero changed bitcoin? Monero has absolutely everything that Bitcoin lacks, Monero fulfills every demand of bitcoin users: privacy, security, decentralization, asice resistance. Because of these features, I thought Monero was the best investment option and would become more popular and expensive than Bitcoin but I was wrong. Maybe I am blind but I would love to hear what makes bitcoin a better than Monero?
Monero is a great coin, I like it too. But imho it's, by far, less secure than Bitcoin. Monero doesn't have the huge mining businesses built around it and there used to be words here and there about botnets mining it, which have the potential of gathering too much hashing power in one organization's hands. And because of this, Monero is not a strong enough competitor to Bitcoin.
Thank you for this reply. But the truth is that there are other Blockchain technologies that are likely to be faster than the Bitcoin technology and probably even more profitable to small investments, but unlike you say, that does not take a way the technology built by the founder of such invention as any other genius building a similar digital currency will have to tap those ideas from Satoshi's Bitcoin.
Just faster and maybe sometimes (!) more profitable is not good enough. And Bitcoin's security is harder to beat every passing day.
Ethereum came with smart contracts. Monero came with privacy. But they are not a significant (or significant enough) leap forward from Bitcoin. And they didn't gather the proper mining support for becoming bullet proof from security point of view.
All you just need to do is to contribute to the already existing system through the open source and Bitcoin can be better by your contributions.
Of course that this is the most straightforward way to help. Ideas like what Satoshi had don't come every decade.