This is one of the official project wallets:'s the one with all the vault tokens: you cross check transactions between this and another wallet used for higher risk activities such as swop/puzzle and other experimental DeFi apps:
You will find all the blockchain history connected with this loan/screenshot/topic.
I repaid and moved it back to Binance x5 isolated yesterday because I decided to lock a majority of the wx as gwx over 4 years to increase staking rewards from the m2/wx pool: a different tangent, this pool which was activated a few weeks ago in combination with pool voting using gwx makes it possible to perform a concrete ROI analysis on proposed project valuation/acquisition cost.
A $100 000 cash buyout with $30 to $40 thousand reserved for buying 2-3 million wx in market and locking them as gwx for a total of 5% global pool weight, will net the buyer 8 year ROI* as this 5% weight translates into ~4000 daily wx rewards equal to $1100 per month.
The $100k will also grant access to the 440m (+40m in float) vault tokens directly or by third party fund management and market making through myself as the original founder and 6 year project coordinator.
This token ownership is then convertible into NFTs 27 published and another 30 unpublished. Market rate per NFT is $20 to $30 thousand equal to a total valuation of vault 2 at around 2 million USDT which is also the price bracket vicinity I have fixed the tokens to in public market:$2m appraisal: is referencing the erc-20 vault but several factors contribute in my opinion to a matched valuation of the waves vault even though NFT collectibles on waves are less worth than eth.
The ERC-20 stock was recently added to a uniswap pool at an acquisition price between $300m to $5bn for reference. unfortunate that it took 6 years to add 100% of the ERC-20's properly to a public market where no one will find them, but atleast they went from cold to hot storage. I would accept a cash offer of $3m USDT for that vault which is where its NFT counterparts are listed aswell ($100kx27).
*ROI is 8 years in a circumstance of wx trading at $10m. Wx market cap was $1bn last year. ROI in x10 scenario is 9 months. Marquise Museum market cap can easily be pumped and sustained from present day $40k to $500m-$5bn using the wx rewards on a 3m gwx stack. This pump will then be leveraged for cmc activation in top 100 global ranking and then further monetized down the road with artbasel and christies partnership. project is a high risk venture and it is possible perhaps even likely to lose all your money. Invest with caution and due diligence.
This loan topic does not concern any of the above info except the requested blockchain history, the requested $2k were intended for private living expenses which are now taken care of.
However I find it prudent to update the bitcointalk community on the projects progress because it achieved a few recent and significant milestones. It was also the subject of a long term loan offer a long time ago in the long term section so there is some association with the board.