Why do you think that the new Mayers are at a loss?
From the cost of 8-12 thousand dollars per bitcoin on ASICs 17-19 series of Bitmain. After the halving, the cost of Bitcoin mining will increase,
Oh god! It's not the cost that will increase , it's the revenue per th/s that goes down!
It will cost you the same to run your machine, it's just that your machine will be earning less.
And don't even get me started on the math, because if you earn 100$ for $80 spent, a doubling in cost makes you lose $60, a having in revenue makes you lose $30, and this is just raw example not accounting caring for running and fixed costs, taxes, deductions and so on.
The way I see it, it only shows how easy it is to gamble with money that isn't yours (investors' money), back in the day when the Chinese miners were dominating, you could always sense some rational movements in the hashrate, probably because it was the miner's own money, nowadays where the U.S is the largest mining hub, things just don't make much sense anymore.
I tried to make something out of their release but no, too much of a headacke:
https://irisenergy.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/iris-energy-announces-monthly-investor-update-august-2023Negative realized electricity costs of ~US$0.08/kWh3
https://irisenergy.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/iris-energy-announces-monthly-investor-update-september-20231.4c power at Childress since inception
3Company was effectively paid ~$28k per Bitcoin to take power at Childress and generated a further ~$28k per Bitcoin in mining revenue (i.e. ~$56k mining profit4 per Bitcoin at Childress)
43 The Company’s Childress site generated ~US$948k of power sales in September (~36 Bitcoin equivalent), which represents unaudited power credits (primarily driven by voluntary curtailment) under hedge contracts (based on current meter data and ERCOT real-time prices) and are reflected within the electricity costs. Figures are based on current internal estimates and exclude REC purchases.
4 Reflects average all-in power price achieved at Childress between May 2023 and August 2023 (based on monthly electricity invoices received as well as internal estimates). Excludes April 2023 as this represented a partial period (reflecting initial ramp-up in operations). Excludes costs of purchasing RECs. Includes basis costs, ERCOT, retail and network fees, net of estimated power credits. There is no guarantee similar power credits will be achieved at Childress in the future (or at all). Includes internally estimated value of current enrolment in ERCOT’s Emergency Response Service program (“ERS”) for the period between June 2023 and August 2023 (based on actual observed ERS clearing prices during the period). Childress has not yet received any ERS benefit and there is no guarantee it may receive any benefit (e.g. due to unsuccessful participation) and ERCOT has not confirmed the value of the ERS benefit under the current enrolment (if any). Includes internally estimated value from load reduction to reduce four coincident peak (“4CP”) transmission network charges. Childress is not eligible to receive the 4CP benefit in its first calendar year of operations (2023), however it is currently anticipated Childress may be eligible to receive the benefit from the start of 2024. The internally estimated value of the benefit is based on actual 4CP peak demand at Childress between June 2023 and August 2023 and internally estimated 4CP peak demand for September 2023. Childress has not yet received any 4CP benefit and there is no guarantee it will receive any benefit (e.g. due to unsuccessful participation) and AEP has not confirmed the value of any 4CP benefit to date (if any). The actual all-in-power price achieved at Childress
may differ materially in the future, including due to energy market volatility and seasonal factors (noting the site has only operated since April 2023).
Like yeah, free cookies for anyone who will not bang his head agaisnt the wall after reading this
But , they do seem to have enough money for
C$94,000 awarded to 11 non-profit organizations
C$59,000 awarded to 10 non-profit organizations
Pretty easy to mine and be generous, when it's raining free money!