Every Bitcoin investors has been craving for the pro-incomes seasons of the bull-runs to gaining more Bitcoin in the Bitcoin markets
No. Experienced Bitcoin investors never wait for the Bullrun market to gain more Bitcoin. They acquire their needed BTC when there's blood in the market while taking profit when there's a bull run market.
You don't invest when there's a rally if you want to make a good profit.
and same time, everyone has been preaching about "hodling Bitcoin for a long time and never them nomatter what".
If I am not mistaken, I learnt that the bull-runs is approved activated by the ETF on the intervals of 4 years gaps then follows the bear-runs and the halving episodes.
The Bullrun market is not about the ETF approval, it was triggered by the 4-year cycle after it is a market correction, the bear/blood market, and the bull market.
So I was wondering if those who could hodl with their Bitcoins as much as during the bull-runs still sells their coins? if not all atleast some fractions to give realistic accountable expenses benefits as the potentials of Bitcoin is to offer solutions to financial challenges as an asset it is before the market values is depressive again at the season of the halving and bear-runs where the value of the Bitcoin is depreciated.
There are two types of crypto investment we have long and short-term. The long term is never to sell even when the market receives a new ATH price while the short investment is meant for taking profit and doing the things you pointed out.