I can't see your screenshots (they seem to be broken, at least for me), and i don't have the tx id's, so i cannot be certain.
Here is OP's image.
Do you have RBF enabled? You can just click the button "increase fee" and confirm the first transaction
You need to put at least 200 sat/vbyte.
With increasing the fee rate of the first transaction, nodes should remove three transactions from their mempool and they accept to do so, only if the fee used for the replacement transaction is higher then the total fee for paid for the three existing transactions.
That's why OP is now getting an error saying "insufficient fee" and probably has to use higher fee rates.
To OP:
Take note that with increasing the fee rate of the first transaction, you will invalidate the two other transactions.
If you want all your transactions to be confirmed, you should increase the fee of the last one.