please if anyone is interested by helping me getting a loan with no collateral, just god bless you.
I'm a bit confused why there's a big difference between the amount on the subject field
[7k] of this thread and the one in the other thread
[2.167BTC], but I think your best bet would be "".
3 medical chairs one for the surgery’s one for the dentist and one for the pedodentist ,
It's worth noting that you can get the job done with two dental chairs
[one for the general dentist and the other one for the pedodontist]!
2 autoclav ,
With good time management, you only need one
[If I were you, I'd go with more sets of instruments, as opposed to the second autoclave].
1 panaromic radiograph and one local radiograph,
Most dentists don't have the luxury of having a panoramic X-ray machine in their clinics since it costs a lot, so just get a good intraoral X-ray machine!
- If PA isn't enough, just ask them to get an OPG in one of the imaging/radiology centers instead.