- Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
How does this actually work or can you like give me an example where someone desires their money? Is this the same thing as always chasing the money and not thinking about the other people because if yes then I don't think that it will turn you into a consumer but more like a ghoul that only sees dollar signs and doesn't have any priorities besides getting money.
- Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
I don't think that it's wrong to envy someone when they've got money, don't the envious nature that other people exudes a good thing for someone to be inspired to be like them? Sure there are cases that envy is taken to a whole another level but I believe that there's nothing wrong with being envious of the riches of other people.
- Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.
That's the favorite line of any bosses of any company out there, work hard but don't expect to get paid by the worth of your hard work, that shouldn't be the case, people should always be compensated by how much work they've done in a company and if that's not the case then raise the minimum wage so people can at the least survive with just that pay for that work.