Who will lend to an account that has been marked Red trust and Neutral trust by DT with accusations of Bounty fraud with multiple accounts. I think lenders will try to avoid someone marked DT with clear references. There are certain criteria from lenders to approve loans, but for accounts whose reputation has been damaged, approval will be very difficult or even impossible.
Unless you have collateral. Lenders need to check the profile of each application - they may even refuse to provide a loan regardless of whether the account status has a red, neutral or green tag. Whether an account is trustworthy or not is not the exact reason why lenders feel safe not losing money - but they have their own way of granting or denying it.
In OP's case - the neutral tag with references is the reason why the lender is obliged to reject any application he makes in the future. OP has already made a statement - but perhaps a bit unnecessary after other recent cases about him.