I was thinking if it's possible to eject the HDD, plug it a computer with better specs, so it could finish...
That should work, although I'd prefer to use it as a secondary disk in another system, and not boot from it.
Your problem is the 4 GB RAM in combination with 11 GB
chainstate. Add HDD, and it's a very bad combination.
As far as I know, reindexing
chainstate requires almost as much writing to disk as a full fresh sync. It only saves writing 580 GB
blocks. I wrote
4.58 GB to disk with 8 GB RAM during IBD. Remove the blocks, and you're left with 4 TB. And that was with twice the ram, so you'll need to write more than 4 TB. That's 4+ TB reading and writing more or less random access on a HDD. If it takes a month, that's 1.5+ MB/s on average, which could very well be the best the HDD can do with random reads and writes. This is why I prefer to put
chainstate on SSD.
Progress will get worse once you're further ahead, see
my graph.