I think this guy just has the same business as you as a script reseller, also like your competitor degika who some time ago you made similar accusations about.
I don't have a problem with people who sell same type of software as me. I even worked with some of them on joint projects.
What I have a problem with is people who scam and I'll explain why this is a scam.
Unfortunately, I don't think this proves that he is trying to scam unless you can find the original devs.
There are no original devs. They took screenshots of designs done by other people and pretend it's full product. Those links i posted - Those are just designs made in figma. It's not a real casino.
Softhodl guy is taking those designs and pretending it's a real casino that he owns.
Imagine if I took a screenshot of this design:
https://www.behance.net/gallery/187433735/Food-Delivery-App and claimed I'm selling the source code of it for $2000 without offering any sort of demo.
Would you say it's a scam or not?
But I don't like his behavior (if proven both are alts) of defending himself by turning around throwing $500 scam alerts without any evidence.
I'm all for transparency. If he can show me our chat logs and his txid that went to my (the only one I use) btc address then I'll refund him or send him the software.
I never talked to that guy and he never sent me a single cent. It's an obvious attempt to ruin my reputation as a way to retaliate against me exposing his scam operation.
Anyway, what happened to your site (neutral feedback from LV)?
Renewing .online domain costs $90 a year so I switched to a different one.
Just before I act, like tagging and flagging the profiles. Is this case similar to the
one you had sometime back?
This has nothing to do with any other person. If it had I would've mentioned it.
Does this mean that the supposed products in the 3 links were posted by scammer or scammers? If so, I think you should also include the threads where they posted this for easy follow up.
User softhodl stole screenshots of designs done by other people and then posted it on his webshop as real products.
This is his website link where he is trying to sell one such "casino":
Click and screenshot of it in case he deleted the product:
ClickAnd this is the same design that he stole:
ClickAlso as a final nail in the coffin heres the original designer (@uirahman92 on telegram - you can dm him yourself if you don't believe me) saying he doesn't own softhodl and that his designs were stolen.
Click Click and