I used to have a Public/Private paper wallet that I was printing from an offline html.
From the site bitaddress.org I downloaded the html file and ran it on an offline computer.
Now that the new standard became Descriptor Wallet, the Private Key functionality is no longer easely available.
Now I have to find another convenient way to keep a paper backup Descriptor Wallet, idealy with QR code, as was previously available.
By saying "
as was previously available"?
Do you mean creating the keys somewhere else (
bitaddress) and importing them to bitcoin Core when needed?
As for QR Code, Bitcoin Core doesn't have this feature to import WIF private keys even before descriptors.
How can I make a paper wallet from a Descriptor Wallet ?
If in the same way as you've mentioned, create a new privKey (
from elsewhere) and create descriptors based from it.
It's as simple as this for each common addresses;
pkh(WIF_PrivKey) for Legacy,
wpkh(WIF_PrivKey) for SegWit,
sh(wpkh(WIF_PrivKey)) for NestedSegWit.
The trick is to use the correct script type that matches the address' format.
For example:
- If you're creating a paper wallet of the address 1HDzfsVrFDPSsMEm9jD5TmY6rMFsXJi2Wf,
Its descriptor should look like this: pkh(L2z9j4wf9TVkJy7XGxNAYzjBChPCXCoqYJz69Y5xQ98sJo38sA2c) - If you're creating a paper wallet of the address bc1q539ttc3f9htqnvff4g0fapw80ltjkpqhxy79fd,
Its descriptor should look like this: wpkh(L2Wpw378mMCvTtzonL42QpDkxj8CHbJGD671XwDkWHc4EGmc2Y1M)
You can also include the descriptor's checksum so that it will be easier to import. Use
getdescriptorinfo "descriptor" command to get its checksum:
getdesciptorinfo "pkh(L2z9j4wf9TVkJy7XGxNAYzjBChPCXCoqYJz69Y5xQ98sJo38sA2c)"
"checksum": "cgd983qg",Append to the descriptor to be written on paper:
pkh(L2z9j4wf9TVkJy7XGxNAYzjBChPCXCoqYJz69Y5xQ98sJo38sA2c)#cgd983qgThen, the harder counterpart of the previous importprivkey command, when you need to import to Bitcoin Core, use
importdescriptors command:
For example:
importdescriptors "[{\"desc\": \"pkh(L2z9j4wf9TVkJy7XGxNAYzjBChPCXCoqYJz69Y5xQ98sJo38sA2c)#cgd983qg\",\"timestamp\": \"0\",\"label\": \"paper_wallet01\"}]"
The advantage of this over importprivkey is you can import multiple descriptors in one command.