I purchased some DYOR token on pancakeswap, I swapped arouns 215$ to BTC to BNB
I sent the BNB to my metamask wallet, added the DYOR contract to metamask and I swapped around 200$ from BNB to DYOR (58498964.7 DYOR total)
In meteamask it shows 165$
In metamask browser (portofolio) it shows 76$
In coin marketcap, in DYOR to USD Converter it shows 200$
The contract in coinmarketcap/pancakeswap/metamask :
Contract seems to be case unsensitive
Why is there so much gap between the prices ? I did spend $200, I checked the fees and it's around a few cents so it's not from there. Triple checked the address contract, and it seems to be in order
Any ideas why ?