LadiesSTARS shows real German escorts uncensored! The photos and videos of our professionals in everyday situations are published exclusively in the LadiesSTARS section. To help promote our service we are running this Signature Campaign and if you are a quality poster who frequents the german local boards we want to hire YOU!
Rules and Requirements:Wear the Signature and Avatar.
Make a minimum of 20 constructive posts each week that you participate in order to receive a payment.
Posts in Off-Topic, Games and Rounds, any bounty/campaign threads as well as threads where your signature is not displayed does not count toward the requirement.
Do not enroll your main and alt account in this campaign, if it's found out that you do both will be removed without notice or payment and blacklisted from all my campaigns.
Do not wear any other Signature or Avatar during your stay in this campaign, if you do you'll be removed without payment or notice.
You need to have earned at least 5 merit in the last 120 days in order to join this campaign.
If you frequent the german local boards you will have priority in getting accepted, regardless of merit.
Each payment will be sent directly to your bech32
BTC address each Monday.
Weeks will run from Mondays > Sundays with the cut-off being Sundays at 23.59:59 according to my timezone (CET).
This campaign will be open for Sr. Members, Hero Members and Legendary Members. reserves the right to cancel and/or alter this campaign at their discretion. Each started week will be paid out in full.
Payouts and Positions:10x Sr. Members+ - $50 in
The Signatures:Sr Member [center][table][tr][td][url=][font=impact,arial black][i][size=25pt][color=#e81]Ladies[size=20pt].de[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td]
[td][size=5pt][color=#ebc]▬[color=#d9b]▬[color=#c8a]▬[color=#b68]▬[color=#957]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [color=#f00]♥[/size]
[font=impact,arial black][url=][i][size=15pt][color=#957][color=#000]Ladies[/color]Stars[/font]
[size=5pt][color=#ebc]▬[color=#d9b]▬[color=#c8a]▬[color=#b68]▬[color=#957]▬▬▬▬ [color=#f00]♥[/size][/td]
[td][center][url=][size=13pt][font=impact,arial black][i][color=#000]Enjoy[nbsp][color=#957]TOP[nbsp]CONTENT[/color][nbsp][size=8pt]from[/size]
Hero - Legendary Member [center][table][tr][td][url=][font=impact,arial black][i][size=25pt][glow=#346,1][nbsp][color=#e81]Ladies[size=20pt].de[nbsp][nbsp][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td]
[td][size=5pt][color=#ebc]▬[color=#d9b]▬[color=#c8a]▬[color=#b68]▬[color=#957]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [color=#f00]♥
[i][font=impact,arial black][url=][size=15pt][color=#fff][glow=#957,1][nbsp][color=#fff]Ladies[/color]Stars[nbsp][nbsp][/i]
[color=#ebc]▬[color=#d9b]▬[color=#c8a]▬[color=#b68]▬[color=#957]▬▬▬▬ [color=#f00]♥[/td]
[td][center][url=][size=13pt][font=impact,arial black][i][color=#000]Enjoy[nbsp][color=#957]TOP[nbsp]CONTENT[/color][nbsp][size=8pt]from[/size]
The Avatars:
How to Apply:1. Wear the Signature and Avatar on/before the 18th of March.
2. Copy and fill out the below form and post it as a reply in this thread:
Bitcointalk Profile Link:
Current Post Count:
bech32 BTC Address:
EARNED Merit in thee last 120 days:
German local board poster Y/N:
If you get accepted, make sure to check the spreadsheet to see that your information is correct. I am not liable for you providing a faulty BTC address for payouts.