The idea:
Every byte or "vbyte" on the block is "tokenized". Meaning it can be sold and bought on a build-in "market" exchange in the bitcoin client.
All miners are obligated to sell these tokens on the market place and honor these tokens on their blockchain are they to receive their value.
All users of bitcoin that want to send transactions must first purchase these tokens on the market place, this can be automated by "market" order.
There would be a "order book" and some nice charts so people can see what a transaction will cost.
The bitcoin software should be changed in two ways anyway:
1. Total transaction cost estimation.
2. Most likely price for as "vbyte".
How this could be implemented is as follows:
The bitcoin system has a limited ammount of tokens available, which float in something which resembles a mempool, but in this case a "token pool".
For example 60 minutes could be chosen to "tokenize". With a blocksize of 10 megabyte per 10 minutes, that could mean roughly 60 million tokens are available.
Each miner can specify how many tokens and at what price it wants to sell these tokens for.
Each token has a unique number ranging from 1 to 10 million or 1 to 60 million.
Each token has a unique value with it/attached to it, the price that was payed for it.
This is the ammount of BTC that will be rewarded once the token is mined.
To mine the token the block of the blockchain must honor the token.
The bitcoin system checks if the token number on the blockchain matches the token that was sold and bought and so forth.
This is all virtual/in memory, no trace will remain of it.
Those other miners that agree with it, will accept the block as valid, those that disagree will not accept the block as valid.
Once the block has been accepted as valid, the associated tokens are re-injected into the token pool and are up for grabs/sale and so forth.
Whenever the bitcoin system signals that "tokens" have been injected into the tokenpool, miners can start "selling" them for a certain price, per token id.
Which ever miner offers the lowest price wins that particular token id, and the system will show that particular token id now has an "asking price" of that ammount.
Same happens on the buy side...
Clients can start bidding on the buy price of token ids. "Bid price". Which ever client offers the highest "bid price" is associated with that token id.
Once the ask price and the bid price match each other the "token" is sold/transacted: meaning:
The client now "owns" this token and has a privilege/option to utilize the token for the next 60 minutes, but does not have too.
Perhaps a special order book must be created/invented where a token can have different prices.
Each miner maintains certain price per token.
The client can select which miner or miners it wants to buy tokens from/reserve space on their block in case it ends up on the blockchain.
The bitcoin system should also shown when they last mined a blocked and how many blocks they have mined in the last week or so to give some indications if these miners are reliable/serious or not. (Could also be hours, months/years etc).
A client system can now purchase blockchain space on multiple miners, ensuring that it has a good chance to be mined on one of their blocks, perhaps a different price points.
Which ever miner wins the block cashes in on the offer price per token that was set by this miner.
The client transaction is payed for, the other tokens that are now worth/not relevant are returned to the client, this is a local accounting tick so the bitcoin client has return the funds.
An advanced client could calculate a "maximum transaction cost", simply taken the miner which asks the most, so that the client has some idea what the transaction cost will be in the worst case scenerio.
An average could also be calculated to give some sense of market sentiment/average prices, perhaps even a minimum...
(Interrupted by phone call)
Anyway... I must go now, take care !
(Also some nice charts how it all fluctuates !
* Update * Now I have a little bit more time and I want to also add an important idea which can further solve some problems:
The idea is that each token has a number and the tokens are therefore ordered.
The miner is required to select token number 0, 1, ,2 ,3 ,4 first if they were sold, 5 was not sold, 6 was sold and so forth.
This orders the transaction bytes, and also other transactions.
This can solve a number of problems like:
Front running.
Furthermore it also makes the lowest token numbers most valuable and can give the buyer even more garantuee that it's tokens will be used to store data on the blockchain first.
It may also prevent "MEV" "maximum extracted value" however it is replaced with a "proper" market place for blockchain space tokens and might net them even more profit.
With this bitcoin is no longer "blind" when it comes to transaction costs
It might also help a little bit with "bribery"... especially if the tokens are ordered over a longer period of time...
Transaction with the lowest token must be prioritized or the block will be deemed invalid/not acceptable.
So re-ordering blocks by winning the race is no longer possible for the next 60 minutes or so...
Certain tokens must be injected into the block.
So this dictates which tokens must be used, miners are no longer free to choose at random or what serves their best interest which is some form of money/extracted value.
This would bolster/harden bitcoin against manipulation by miners.
This is a big win for bitcoin and all other crypto systems that work out and implement this idea.
And it gives more trust/believe in this better designed system... instead of blind/random... now there is a proper market with certain garantuees.