hosseinimr93 is correct. The third quiz was just like the first one, with different unknown (confirmations instead of chance of reversal) and another variable, the computational power that is outside the network. In the previous quiz, we were calculating probability of successfully reversing a transaction when a mining pool turns evil. Now that there is no honest hashrate turning evil, you'd have to consider the
sum of the honest hashrate and the attacker's hashrate.
This is incorrect, because the attacker's hashrate is not 30% of 595.05 EH/s. I'm not sure how you worked out 595.05, the total honest hashrate was 564.9. But, either way, the attacker's hashrate is not 182.92, and that's why everything following is incorrect.
This is also incorrect, because the probability of the attacker succeeding is not 300 / 564.9. You have to get the sum of those two, which is the new hashrate, and use the formula used in the
first quiz to work it out.
You were right in the first half, but in the second half ChatGPT didn't use the correct formula to calculate this probability. You can check it out in the first quiz. Could you share with us the prompt you used as input?