Dear Friends, This is a magical LuckyClover. Those who possess LuckyClover are fortunate, good luck will accompany them throughout their lives. Let's make coin more interesting together.
TokenName: LuckyClover
Contract address: 0xa43229980f39442af22baf89efe5872c0941fb35
Total amount: 10000000000
50% is used to provide liquidity pool
50% is used for mining: 5000000000
Mining method: by transferring to LuckyClover
Transfer random reward 1-500
When the total amount of mining reaches 100000000, the random reward is reduced to 1-100
When the total amount of mining reaches 500000000, the random reward is reduced to 1-50
When the total amount of mining reaches 1000000000, the random reward is reduced to 1-25
When the total amount of mining reaches 1500000000, the random reward is reduced to 1-15
When the total amount of mining reaches 2000000000, the random reward is reduced to 1-10
As the amount of mining increases, the difficulty of mining gradually increases.
You can use Metamask or TokenPocket to add AlveyChain network and we will publish it on Alvey Chain network.
Alvey Chain network parameters are as follows
Network Name: AlveyChain
RPC URL: ID: 3797
Currency: ALV
Block explorer: token contract address: 0xa43229980f39442af22baf89efe5872c0941fb35
Wallet transfers require ALV as gas fees and holding LuckyClover to transfer and mine the LuckyClover token.
Reply to this post with your wallet address to receive initial gas and LuckyClover airdrops.
English Telegram Group: Telegram Group: Dex: luck to everyone and have fun. More surprises are waiting for you.