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Author Topic: Avalon 1166pro always restarting  (Read 205 times)
jonbringus (OP)
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April 18, 2024, 02:39:43 AM

I bought a couple of these used awhile ago and they've been good until now, this one restarts every 5 minutes. From the logs echu and ecmm seem abnormal but I can't find any specific codes for the errors. Ignore any fan related errors as I removed the 120mm fans for a 8" ac infinty fan.

{'STATUS':[{'STATUS':'S','When':505,'Code':11,'Msg':'Summary','Description':'cgminer 4.11.1'}],'SUMMARY':[{'Elapsed':498,'MHS av':45075487.68,'MHS 30s':28312089.60,'MHS 1m':38416611.27,'MHS 5m':37549989.93,'MHS 15m':19366644.99,'Found Blocks':0,'Getworks':21,'Accepted':37,'Rejected':0,'Hardware Errors':2,'Utility':4.46,'Discarded':2723175,'Stale':0,'Get Failures':0,'Local Work':5088,'Remote Failures':0,'Network Blocks':6,'Total MH':22324484034.0000,'Work Utility':626008.95,'Difficulty Accepted':3769310.00000000,'Difficulty Rejected':0.00000000,'Difficulty Stale':0.00000000,'Best Share':8190500,'Device Hardware%':0.0000,'Device Rejected%':0.0000,'Pool Rejected%':0.0000,'Pool Stale%':0.0000,'Last getwork':0}
{'STATUS':[{'STATUS':'S','When':505,'Code':70,'Msg':'CGMiner stats','Description':'cgminer 4.11.1'}],'STATS':[{'STATS':0,'ID':'AVA100','Elapsed':498,'Calls':0,'Wait':0.000000,'Max':0.000000,'Min':99999999.000000,'MM ID0':'Ver[1166Pro-81-21072802_4ec6bb0_211fc46] DNA[0201000087c27905] MEMFREE[1442808.0] NETFAIL[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] SYSTEMSTATU[Work: Out Over Hot, Hash Board: 3 ] Elapsed[500] BOOTBY[0x04.00000000] LW[408963] MH[0 2 0] HW[2] DH[2.208%] Temp[24] TMax[116] TAvg[58] Fan1[0] Fan2[0] Fan3[0] Fan4[0] FanR[100%] Vo[0] PS[0 1212 3 12 0 1276 160] PLL0[0 0 0 0] PLL1[0 0 0 0] PLL2[0 0 0 0] GHSspd[0.00] DHspd[0.000%] GHSmm[0.00] GHSavg[44562.71] WU[622533.85] Freq[0.00] Led[0] MGHS[14784.00 14836.68 14942.03] MTmax[77 116 83] MTavg[57 59 57] TA[360] Core[A3201] PING[18] POWS[0] HASHS[0 0 0] POOLS[0] SoftOFF[0] ECHU[1 1 1] ECMM[197] SF0[448 468 488 508] SF1[448 468 488 508] SF2[448 468 488 508] PVT_T0[ 55 57 63 64 56 57 55 56 61 60 57 54 55 58 64 59 60 59 65 60 61 61 60 57 57 59 61 60 60 58 57 58 59 59 61 59 57 59 59 60 59 59 57 59 59 59 56 54 54 56 55 56 55 52 52 54 54 64 54 50 45 63 50 53 50 54 49 49 51 64 52 51 50 51 67 65 57 54 58 57 66 64 77 58 54 57 56 53 54 61 56 56 55 59 54 56 57 56 66 62 56 60 57 53 57 59 57 56 52 55 52 52 53 53 54 50 59 64 55 54] PVT_T1[ 55 58 66 62 59 57 56 59 66 62 61 57 58 58 70 66 60 58 56 59 67 63 61 57 58 74 61 65 59 57 56 59 63 60 59 56 56 59 61 67 57 56 54 58 70 70 57 54 53 55 63 53 54 52 52 52 56 53 51 53 46 107 55 62 50 52 51 53 59 59 51 116 51 55 60 64 58 53 57 55 56 59 55 54 55 55 56 57 54 54 70 54 62 91 57 57 80 57 68 70 55 55 50 54 67 66 106 54 54 55 64 64 54 54 52 54 64 57 54 53] PVT_T2[ 58 57 72 73 55 57 55 59 68 68 60 56 56 59 63 72 59 57 56 59 66 59 61 67 56 63 60 61 64 61 55 59 58 63 59 57 56 56 63 72 57 55 54 57 70 58 57 54 51 54 57 54 56 57 49 53 53 58 50 53 51 49 51 50 50 49 50 53 51 55 54 54 53 53 58 67 56 54 53 55 64 66 55 54 54 53 67 61 56 56 58 59 63 58 58 57 57 56 58 56 54 58 54 55 59 55 83 55 54 54 55 57 74 54 53 53 64 56 51 55] PVT_V0[294 298 299 291 295 294 294 294 294 304 298 302 294 292 290 298 299 297 298 298 297 299 294 295 293 296 291 290 288 292 294 296 292 295 289 287 290 288 285 297 301 299 293 297 301 296 299 296 303 301 298 305 301 299 297 292 292 301 305 307 310 310 302 294 298 297 304 302 310 290 294 299 291 294 290 299 299 297 297 294 295 299 309 295 299 297 299 296 295 301 301 301 305 294 297 294 291 292 290 283 285 289 295 301 305 293 294 299 307 303 306 306 303 304 297 301 298 299 300 303] PVT_V1[292 299 297 290 289 291 294 299 301 296 295 295 291 291 291 295 299 300 281 283 280 291 289 290 282 292 279 281 284 286 287 289 289 295 292 288 292 287 287 297 301 298 291 295 298 287 290 298 289 291 290 301 297 294 297 295 292 302 304 307 314 350 302 300 298 296 297 296 294 299 302 353 297 299 299 307 306 306 298 302 303 307 309 309 309 309 307 300 302 298 303 292 294 314 300 303 328 307 308 305 304 305 307 308 306 305 341 303 304 307 304 305 301 303 302 302 295 291 292 298] PVT_V2[294 299 301 300 307 305 295 293 293 298 300 299 283 285 285 290 292 297 295 293 294 294 292 286 287 287 286 298 296 295 289 291 292 304 303 303 293 292 292 288 294 294 302 301 302 305 303 303 304 301 305 298 299 295 291 295 299 299 306 313 305 304 298 293 295 294 308 310 307 301 300 299 297 300 299 292 298 295 292 294 295 293 293 292 292 292 288 294 295 294 293 292 293 295 297 294 292 293 292 295 293 294 296 298 300 304 328 306 294 293 291 306 318 305 298 298 292 302 306 307] MW[136276 136312 136375] MW0[6 7 9 7 4 9 4 3 8 5 10 6 8 11 5 8 9 7 8 11 8 8 5 2 6 11 5 5 3 10 6 7 7 6 11 7 5 8 5 4 4 6 9 7 7 3 7 10 10 7 4 9 6 8 9 9 9 5 6 8 4 5 6 7 10 9 4 5 2 5 10 9 11 10 10 10 5 5 7 5 8 3 6 6 11 6 9 5 4 9 7 5 8 9 6 7 13 10 11 6 5 5 10 7 3 4 11 4 1 11 8 8 6 9 4 9 8 8 5 11] MW1[5 9 10 5 8 12 7 7 10 6 5 6 8 7 4 5 5 6 10 8 7 11 4 9 6 7 5 5 3 5 9 8 5 15 12 6 4 12 10 8 5 7 7 6 6 6 3 8 8 11 7 9 6 5 5 17 4 12 5 6 3 6 5 6 5 6 4 4 3 6 10 8 5 4 7 6 6 12 5 5 10 3 4 5 5 13 3 7 10 9 5 5 6 6 12 6 11 10 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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] CRC[0 0 0] POW_I2C[OK] FACOPTS0[] FACOPTS1[] ATAOPTS0[] ATAOPTS1[] ADJ[0] Bar[0%] COP[0 0 0] MPO[3200] MVL[87] ATABD0[0 0 0 0] ATABD1[0 0 0 0] ATABD2[0 0 0 0] WORKMODE[1]','MM Count':1,'Smart Speed':1,'Voltage Level Offset':0,'Nonce Mask':25}
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April 18, 2024, 08:06:44 PM

Have you noticed the system status?
It shows over hot meaning it's overheating which is why it keeps restarting MTmax is pointing to the middle board the overheating came from the middle hashboard.

Why did you remove the fan it is not running properly I suggest plug the fan again it should fix your issue and lets see if the MTmax on the middle board drop.

.......ONLINE CASINO.......


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jonbringus (OP)
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April 20, 2024, 06:23:25 PM

Have you noticed the system status?
It shows over hot meaning it's overheating which is why it keeps restarting MTmax is pointing to the middle board the overheating came from the middle hashboard.

Why did you remove the fan it is not running properly I suggest plug the fan again it should fix your issue and lets see if the MTmax on the middle board drop.

I removed the fans because it was way too loud, it's a common "mod" to attach a shroud and remove the fans. I've used the 8" fan on various antminers and haven't had issues. I've heard the big fans actually flow more air cfm than the stock fans. On the dashboard it shows temps in the mid 50's which seems fine and is cooler than the stock fans, I remember it being in the low 70's before
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April 20, 2024, 07:35:53 PM

I removed the fans because it was way too loud, it's a common "mod" to attach a shroud and remove the fans. I've used the 8" fan on various antminers and haven't had issues. I've heard the big fans actually flow more air cfm than the stock fans. On the dashboard it shows temps in the mid 50's which seems fine and is cooler than the stock fans, I remember it being in the low 70's before

Well, the logs say it is overheating it's above 85c which should be the temp limit for this unit according to Avalon.

Avalon units are not the same as Antminer the fan you use on antminer might work for them but not for avalon.

Would you mind replacing back the original fan in this unit and then check the API logs again under MTmax to see if the middle board temperature drops?

.......ONLINE CASINO.......


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April 22, 2024, 02:35:12 AM

The log shows:
SYSTEMSTATU[Work: Out Over Hot, Hash Board: 3 ]
Temp[24] TMax[116] TAvg[58] Fan1[0] Fan2[0] Fan3[0] Fan4[0]
MTmax[77 116 83]
ECHU[1 1 1] ECMM[197]
BitMaxz is right. The chip temperature on the middle board is too high. One chip's temperature reached 107, while another's reached 116. So, you need to check and repair the hash board in the middle.
PVT_T1[55 58 66 62 59 57 56 59 66 62 61 57 58 58 70 66 60 58 56 59 67 63 61 57 58 74 61 65 59 57 56 59 63 60 59 56 56 59 61 67 57 56 54 58 70 70 57 54 53 55 63 53 54 52 52 52 56 53 51 53 46 107 55 62 50 52 51 53 59 59 51 116 51 55 60 64 58 53 57 55 56 59 55 54 55 55 56 57 54 54 70 54 62 91 57 57 80 57 68 70 55 55 50 54 67 66 106 54 54 55 64 64 54 54 52 54 64 57 54 53]
jonbringus (OP)
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April 24, 2024, 07:58:01 PM

seems you both were right, I switched the fans back 2 days ago and it hasn't restarted since. I'm a little disappointed because it was working so well until now, guess I have to deal with the noise. thank the both of you

MTmax[84 78 85] MTavg[82 77 84]
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April 24, 2024, 09:52:24 PM

seems you both were right, I switched the fans back 2 days ago and it hasn't restarted since. I'm a little disappointed because it was working so well until now, guess I have to deal with the noise. thank the both of you

MTmax[84 78 85] MTavg[82 77 84]
Now we see MTmax on the middle drop a lot from 116c down to 78c which is a big improvement after taking the original fan back to the unit.

Why not build something like noise reduction if you can't handle the noise for long? or soundproof box you can DIY for this unit if you want to reduce the unit noise.
Check a sample from the link below.


.......ONLINE CASINO.......


Regional Sponsor of the
Argentina National Team
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