I'm trying to recover an old Armory wallet from 2014 and after many hours of fighting errors, installing Ubuntu 18.04 and downloading 1/3 of the unprunned blockchain(until 2018), I finally can see the database created and transaction history updated.
As the title says, I wonder if the balance is correct if the backup was created in 2014 and blockchain download is synced to 2018. Should I download the whole thing in order to get Armory work correctly?
Yes you’re seeing the transaction history since the address was way back to 2014 and the block height is upto that of 2018. But that details or history might be wrong because that’s not the entire block height. There could be transactions that have been done in a later block height that are yet to be downloaded. You must have to complete the download to the latest block to get the correct history of that address. Even when you run a prune node, you must have to download the full block and then delete the earlier blocks.
So it is a must to complete those blocks download to confirm the real amount and details of that address