Futurum Group is an animation studio that has garnered seven Emmy awards for its captivating programming for children. Futurum Group represents a collaboration between the creators of "Jakers!" and the brilliant minds behind beloved children's franchises like "Bob the Builder," "Barney," and "Thomas and Friends." As a division of Futurum Group, Futurum Gaming is transporting these lovable children's IPs from mainstream TV into the Web3 world, merging GameFi with a dynamic learn-to-earn platform and pushing the boundaries of technology and creativity. Our immersive digital platform features our newest TV icon, 'Paddles! The Huggable Polar Bear,' and integrates our beloved CGI animations with cutting-edge Web3, and AI technologies, delivering unique interactive experiences that blend entertainment with education.
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Our $FG token underpins the Futurum Gaming ecosystem, offering versatile utility and innovative features.
🌟 Join us in this exciting journey and explore the fascinating world of GameFi! 🌟
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https://discord.gg/HpbzWFWu4s👍 Reddit:
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