Try to think about this again. Is this your comment necessary? What if the mempool is still congested up till now.
I was referring to OP's transaction specifically
edited in my previous post and simply wanted to add the fact that it would've been confirmed even when hosseinimr93 wouldn't have submitted it to a free slot in ViaBTC's accelerator.
If a transaction isn't urgent, you can simply wait it out, it either gets confirmed or dropped from mempools. If a transaction is timely bound, a user has to determine a suitable transaction fee so that it should've a chance to get confirmed within a reasonably sufficient time span.
And this weekend the fee level for confirmation is even lower, when currently about 23sats/vB are sufficient with little ups and downs as usual.
If people don't learn to look prior for current mempool levels before they make an estimate for their transaction fees or are impatient or don't remember that on weekends fees are usually lower than Mo-Fr then what?