If you find an address that has not moved coins for a pretty long time, it does not mean that the wallet is abandoned. What you are asking here is somewhat vague, you need the private keys of a wallet to be able to spend the coins on it, are you looking for how you can get the private keys of wallets you think are abandoned?
I understand what you are saying. And no, I don't need priv. keys to abandoned wallets, I don't need them lol.
What programs are these?
Keyhunt has an ethereum wallet finder too, I believe. Also, I just find majority of them on GitHub and try to learn the structure and algorithms of the code and try to implement it completely on my own.
assuming you got the seed, then no one can stop you from taking it. you just have to face the consequences if you are caught.
but let's say it is indeed abandoned or the owner died already. maybe you can claim the tokens. i wonder what sort of program you are using to discover such seeds because if it's possible, there would have been people trying all day to generate seeds.
Again, people can try, it will just take time (as it did for me). You don't need my specific answer to know where to find these programs, they are all over GitHub and often times sold by scammers who will only fool those who don't know any better.
To recap, just browse through GitHub or something and look for a these programs. That's what I did. And in case the obvious isn't obvious:
Running these programs will take time. If you don't have the patience to run these programs for most likely over 24 hours, you're better off just going about your everyday life and save money on the side to invest in crypto.
Another important note: It seems that majority of you guys think that I take the money out of these wallets I find...
I don't. I run these programs simply for my pure enjoyment of finding anything, learning the risks that come with crypto, and to imagine how easy it may be for someone with a hella better setup than what I have atm (a 2017 macbook that's been through some things). If I were to ever find any, I just check out their transaction history and see what they've been up to with their funds. Then I just go about my day. Simple as that. (unless the amount of ETH they hold surpasses anything I can imagine, I'd take probs a very small fee to let them know that someone has come upon their private key) <-- Has never happened irl, only in my delusional imagination LMFAO XD