I was on a serious project within the week for which I needed a wallet, so I was trying to create a wallet and secret from the Bitcoin public RPC endpoint (getBlock.io). and it seems like using this method, getnewaddress, somehow is not allowed, which means I need to create the wallet, but now I am confused, which is why I came to the right place to get my answers.
So, is there any node method available that I can use to generate wallets? Also, if anything specific to Ruby is possible,.
Confusing indeed, "
XY Problem" perhaps?
First, you need a "
wallet" so you've used a third-party RPC Endpoint to try to create an "
address", but it's a walletRPC so it wont work without wallet loaded.
Then with that, you're back to square one looking for a way to create a wallet. (
which is a bad idea it it worked)
In your old threads, you've mentioned that you have created a wallet.dat file but don't want to download the entire blockchain.
There are good replies but you didn't replied (
just like most of your topics).
So, if you do not want to use that wallet.dat file due to the blockchain requirement, use an SPV wallet and just feed your project with its "
extended public key"
to be able to generate the same addresses as your wallet without exposing its private key, but most SPV wallets have limitation on the number of transactions its servers allow.
Since that is a "
serious project" we know nothing about, do your extensive research about that matter.