M1kael (OP)
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
May 09, 2024, 08:22:43 PM |
Mahdirakib first up one of my friends is also a gambler and he and his brothers have seperate accounts for gambling and they have been doing it for 4 years now and they didnt get banned so i thought maybe its allowed,
holydarkness you must not have any idea how much a dollar is worth in some poor countries, in my country people do labour work all day for just a mere $1.80 and 4 out of 10 people in our country when their education is completed they go abroad they earn real money and send it back home so that their families dont have to go through poverty for their entire life, thats how much worse our country is when it comes to economy, from your comment i get the feeling that you are calling me a lier, if i was not ashamed of my country i would said it by now, when im playing international video games like RPGs, when someone asks me where im from i always lie, why? because our country is just that bad and its not just me, its everyone, there was gonna be a revolution on 9th May but our army captured and unalived people who wanted to speak up and start a riot for their own rights... maybe you are from a peaceful country where there is freedom of speech and human rights but it doesnt exist here and when it comes to money, dont even ask about our economic system
Activity: 2814
Merit: 1666
Yes, I'm an asshole
May 09, 2024, 09:47:40 PM |
[...] holydarkness you must not have any idea how much a dollar is worth in some poor countries, in my country people do labour work all day for just a mere $1.80 and 4 out of 10 people in our country when their education is completed they go abroad they earn real money and send it back home so that their families dont have to go through poverty for their entire life, thats how much worse our country is when it comes to economy, from your comment i get the feeling that you are calling me a lier, if i was not ashamed of my country i would said it by now, when im playing international video games like RPGs, when someone asks me where im from i always lie, why? because our country is just that bad and its not just me, its everyone, there was gonna be a revolution on 9th May but our army captured and unalived people who wanted to speak up and start a riot for their own rights... maybe you are from a peaceful country where there is freedom of speech and human rights but it doesnt exist here and when it comes to money, dont even ask about our economic system
Nope, I am not questioning whether you're saying the truth or not about how much 1 USD worth in your country, I am not even wondering which country you're from, I'm simply asking how long have you been playing in Rollbit.
M1kael (OP)
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
May 09, 2024, 10:52:19 PM |
I have been playing from November 30 2023 roundabout in Rollbit, a dollar in my country is worth around between 250 and 300, I will not say the exact number because I don't want anyone to know where I'm from and count me in the animalistic feature of our country,
When it comes to Rollbit, there was partly my mistake and partly theirs, I realize my mistake and I'm sorry and I will never use Rollbit again, my only complaint is they could have given some warning before disabling my account with my money in it and when I asked for my money there is no explanation and simply given me "Cold 1 liners" like 9yos.
I have nothing further to add in this forum.
Everyone have a good day except everyone who works for Rollbit or is in cahoots with them
I apologize to everyone if I have offended anyone in anyway
M1kael (OP)
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
May 09, 2024, 11:02:47 PM |
"God, I do hope it's for years instead of very short time, because if you're there just for a month or two, judging from the total amount withdrawn and that 70 USD is one month worth of living, you must have lived a lavish life."
I was there for 4 months and I apologize because English is not my first language but there was some things that needed done and some family debts to take care of so,,,,, to answer your question in very few words,,,
I bought myself a TV, GTX 1070ti and 240hz monitor, except for the bills and rent and everything, it was a good life for a few months I'm not gonna lie and I enjoyed every second of it
Activity: 2814
Merit: 1666
Yes, I'm an asshole
May 10, 2024, 04:51:12 PM |
"God, I do hope it's for years instead of very short time, because if you're there just for a month or two, judging from the total amount withdrawn and that 70 USD is one month worth of living, you must have lived a lavish life."
I was there for 4 months and I apologize because English is not my first language but there was some things that needed done and some family debts to take care of so,,,,, to answer your question in very few words,,,
I bought myself a TV, GTX 1070ti and 240hz monitor, except for the bills and rent and everything, it was a good life for a few months I'm not gonna lie and I enjoyed every second of it
This. I am not trying to humiliate you for where you come from, no one is, so you can stop thinking that way and repeating that fact every now and then. But, to emphasize the point I am trying to convey, for four months, you managed to gather around 13 months worth of salaries, of which you spent for... I don't think those items are exactly necessary, do they? They're leaning more toward luxurious items. And now you complained and tell they scammed you and that you asked them for 70 USD because you can't pay rent, bills, and groceries? Because the total amount in your account that's being confiscated are the entire fund you have for those? From those 13 months worth of salaries, you spent them all in those items? And to address your earlier post about how the blame is partly theirs, I don't think it's necessarily true, they require their customers to read the ToS, and if the customer skipped them then breached one or two of the clause, can they be blamed because they did not put a warning for multi-acc?
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1061
In Search of Incredible
May 10, 2024, 05:38:13 PM |
Mahdirakib first up one of my friends is also a gambler and he and his brothers have seperate accounts for gambling and they have been doing it for 4 years now and they didnt get banned so i thought maybe its allowed,
So, your friend has inspired you to abuse the bonuses of a casino. You should have learned from your friend that how he and his brothers (maybe alt account) bypassing the anti-fraud system of the casino  . If we look into your lifetime deposit and withdrawal amount, you have already withdrawn 60× of your total deposited funds. Do you really have any funds left on Rollbit which you deposited from your own pocket? Or have you accumulated the amounts by claiming coupons only? When have you made the deposit for the last time on your account?
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Activity: 2044
Merit: 1605
🔃EN>>AR Translator🔃
May 10, 2024, 05:40:22 PM |
Rollbit just disabled my account and scammed my money As long as you are convinced that it is your fault and that Rollbit is not responsible for anything that happened to you, why don't you change the title of this topic? Or at least delete the word "scammed"? Because you are harming the platform’s reputation without any justification. Not everyone will read the details, and many of them will just read the title, which will necessarily give a bad impression. Please change it and remove the word "scammed" related to Rollbit.
▄▄█████████████████▄▄ ▄█████████████████████▄ ███▀▀█████▀▀░░▀▀███████ ███▄░░▀▀░░▄▄██▄░░██████ █████░░░████████░░█████ ████▌░▄░░█████▀░░██████ ███▌░▐█▌░░▀▀▀▀░░▄██████ ███░░▌██░░▄░░▄█████████ ███▌░▀▄▀░░█▄░░█████████ ████▄░░░▄███▄░░▀▀█▀▀███ ██████████████▄▄░░░▄███ ▀█████████████████████▀ ▀▀█████████████████▀▀ | ..Rainbet.com.. CRYPTO CASINO & SPORTSBOOK | | | █▄█▄█▄███████▄█▄█▄█ ███████████████████ ███████████████████ ███████████████████ █████▀█▀▀▄▄▄▀██████ █████▀▄▀████░██████ █████░██░█▀▄███████ ████▄▀▀▄▄▀███████ █████████▄▀▄███ █████████████████ ███████████████████ ███████████████████ ███████████████████ | | | |
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| 10K WEEKLY RACE | | 100K MONTHLY RACE | | | ██
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M1kael (OP)
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
May 10, 2024, 11:18:33 PM |
I accept my part of the mistake, I was wrong to not read the ToS, because everyone knows its just one long boring paragraph no one bothers to read, all I'm asking is,,,, is giving a warning such a difficult task???
I will do you one better, I will delete the post instead of changing the title (in 24 hours) only because there is a Rollbit partner that I truly respect, only because of him
One more thing, I know people who are abusing the Rollbit coupon system from like 6 months now, I know 3 botters, 3, who uses script and paid proxies and bots to abuse the coupon system of Rollbit, why haven't Rollbit deleted their accounts and banned their IPs, I'm just asking, I just want to know the answer to this one particular question and after that I will delete the post.
Activity: 2814
Merit: 1666
Yes, I'm an asshole
May 11, 2024, 01:24:18 PM |
I accept my part of the mistake, I was wrong to not read the ToS, because everyone knows its just one long boring paragraph no one bothers to read, all I'm asking is,,,, is giving a warning such a difficult task???
I will do you one better, I will delete the post instead of changing the title (in 24 hours) only because there is a Rollbit partner that I truly respect, only because of him
One more thing, I know people who are abusing the Rollbit coupon system from like 6 months now, I know 3 botters, 3, who uses script and paid proxies and bots to abuse the coupon system of Rollbit, why haven't Rollbit deleted their accounts and banned their IPs, I'm just asking, I just want to know the answer to this one particular question and after that I will delete the post.
You can't delete a thread, only locking or moving them. Unless what you try to convey is deleting the opening post and all of the posts you have on this thread... which actually will make things worse than it already is. I think just editing the thread title and locking this thread is enough.
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1061
In Search of Incredible
May 11, 2024, 04:12:51 PM |
One more thing, I know people who are abusing the Rollbit coupon system from like 6 months now, I know 3 botters, 3, who uses script and paid proxies and bots to abuse the coupon system of Rollbit, why haven't Rollbit deleted their accounts and banned their IPs, I'm just asking, I just want to know the answer to this one particular question and after that I will delete the post.
With all these stories, it is almost clear that you are a part of those abuser. You should use yourself as a warning to other abuser of your group. Nowadays, every casino has strict rules against multiple account usage. Where you have abused the bonuses from same household and device with two accounts. Move on man, you aren't going to get anything back. The warning was always there (in the terms of the casino), you just ignored it. You aren't an honourable customer of the casino that they will tell you privately about your offensive activity.
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M1kael (OP)
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
May 11, 2024, 04:58:53 PM |
I have to appreciate the way Rollbit mods or customer support changes the topic instead of giving a straight up answer, if you think I was one of those abusers then why am i posting here? i would simply say in my mind that ( DAMN I GOT CAUGHT ), the Abusers im mentioning are not my friends neither I have any affiliation with them neither do I care what they do or they dont do, I live by one rule, Live and let live, but im pretty pissed here that someone who is ACTUALLY ABUSING THE COUPON SYSTEM is not getting bans and then theres me... who unintentionally broke the rules is getting banned without any warning or getting some amount of his money back, and if you really are a Rollbit mod or whatever then you must know that you cant claim coupons on the same IP, so the question is how did my brother claimed it? he used mobile data, totally different internet, sometimes he would be out of the city and miles away from home and claim a coupon, well nothings gonna come out of this.
How about actually answering my question without changing the topic this time?
M1kael (OP)
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
May 11, 2024, 05:07:32 PM |
The only reason i posted here was because I saw this specific post check it out : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5485088.0when did this guy abused the staff that y'all voided his money? and its $1300, not mere 70 like mine and also the reputation of a specific company will only be ruined if THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG IN IT, If y'all were such friendly people, I would have never posted and neither would have the guy above.
Activity: 2814
Merit: 1666
Yes, I'm an asshole
May 12, 2024, 11:35:29 AM |
I have to appreciate the way Rollbit mods or customer support changes the topic instead of giving a straight up answer, if you think I was one of those abusers then why am i posting here? i would simply say in my mind that ( DAMN I GOT CAUGHT ), the Abusers im mentioning are not my friends neither I have any affiliation with them neither do I care what they do or they dont do, I live by one rule, Live and let live, but im pretty pissed here that someone who is ACTUALLY ABUSING THE COUPON SYSTEM is not getting bans and then theres me... who unintentionally broke the rules is getting banned without any warning or getting some amount of his money back, and if you really are a Rollbit mod or whatever then you must know that you cant claim coupons on the same IP, so the question is how did my brother claimed it? he used mobile data, totally different internet, sometimes he would be out of the city and miles away from home and claim a coupon, well nothings gonna come out of this.
How about actually answering my question without changing the topic this time?
I think you understand things wrongly here. First, I assume post above is addressed to Mahdirakib. He's not mod of the forum or staff of rollbit. Like us, he's someone who frequently oversee scam accusations raised on this forum. And we oversee things from a neutral ground. [...] and also the reputation of a specific company will only be ruined if THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG IN IT, If y'all were such friendly people, I would have never posted and neither would have the guy above.
And to address this, as said above, we see things from neutral ground. People on this forum are more than friendly and welcome to scam accusations, but if it's a baseless one and/or the one where the accuser is the one wrong here, do you actually wish people will blindly ignore those facts and support the accusation? Pressing the casinos for what's actually unfounded? That won't be fair, will it?