And so on… it takes up all the rows A1-A2000 on most of the files. It’s only data in the A column on the csv file.
That could happen when a "
.txt" file's extension is renamed into "
.csv" file.
Each line of the text file will be inserted into the first column (
A) of its csv file counterpart.
That's unless the csv file is specifically written on its column A exclusively.
And since your old post was deleted, I'll re-insert my reply here in your new thread:
the guy i bought it from transferred it off a 8gb flash drive straight into my computer.
This still needs its own topic, so please consider starting your own thread if you want to push the discussion towards that bought csv file.
Its similarity to OP's "
probably bought wallet/file" doesn't make this on-topic.
By the way, 100% of those 'for sale' wallet.dat or "
lost" backup files are scam, don't expect anything from it.
As you can see in others' replies, the consensus here is you're most likely been scammed.