The transaction has its value is $383,218,948 and transaction fee is 35,700 satoshis that equal to $24,76.
That transaction would have been cheaper than that sats spent to move the Bitcoin if it's was moved to a segwit wallet address but I can see that they were move to another legacy address. The fees would have also been cheaper if it was a single input and output transaction but the signer used 7 inputs and 2 outputs which make the size of the transaction to be more biger, this is why consolidation is necessary when fees are low.
Bitcoin transaction fee is still not cheap enough for everyone but mempools are better recent weeks, people have better conditions to move their bitcoins with cheaper fees.
That big transaction above is very beneficial for people who have big fund and can use Bitcoin blockchain to move their fund on chain, with cheaper transaction fee than if they do it through bank transfer. Transactions on Bitcoin blockchain have an extra security, no reverse.
It is still expensive for people with small fund or the poor to feel feasible when using Bitcoin blockchain and spending fee.
The problem with moving funds from one wallet to another is that it breaks privacy especially when people has plenty of many inputs as blockchain analyst use this to track utxo that are spent and how they are spent but if the owner really priorize fees over privacy, this is the best time to consolidate all inputs to a single wallet address.
As for poor people who think the fees are still expensive, if they can't spend 10 sats for transaction for a single input and output, they don't have reason to be holding bitcoin in an external wallet because I'm not sure if mempool average fee will ever go to the lowest of 2 and 3 sats.