July 08, 2024, 03:15:12 PM |
Craig Steven Wright, also called CSW (or due to his appearance and track record also called "Faketoshi") from his Altcoin BSV is clearly a scammer and he should be called out any time, he’s spouting nonsense again and again, (which is very often). His track record contains so many lies, fraud and misleading statements and actions, a list is becoming quite to long to be presented here but we will try of course to be a complete list as good as possible.
Craig Wright, is a scammer due to several reasons:
1. His claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto
CSW has repeatedly claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, who has created Bitcoin. Despite his claims, he has failed to provide verifiable proof. For instance, he has not signed a message from his private keys which would prove for him to be Satoshi Nakamoto. A sign from his private key would be his best proof to be Satoshi Nakamoto but he has failed to prove it so far. Wright's narratives and technical explanations have often been inconsistent and contradictory. Technical experts and cryptographers have pointed out numerous inaccuracies in his statements about Bitcoin and its development, contradicting CSW’s claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto on various occasions.
2. Presenting questionable or faked evidence
CSW has presented various pieces of questionable evidence to support his claim, many of which have been debunked as fraudulent or manipulated. For example, he produced documents and digital signatures which were proven to be backdated or similarly exposed as fraud. CSW has a large background for presenting fraudulent or outright faked evidence. Big Bitcoin developers, including key figures and developers, largely rejects Wright's claims. Wright is also known for his aggressive behavior and his perception for attempting to leverage his claims for personal gain instead of contributing positively to Bitcoins ecosystem.
3. Bitcoin SV and market manipulation
Wright is behind BSV (called "Bitcoin Satoshis Vision"), a fraudulent hard fork of Bitcoin. It is assumed for CSW to push his fraudulent fork shitcoin as an attempt by Wright to create and control a version of Bitcoin which aligns his vision and to profit from his association, instead of contributing to Bitcoin’s decentralized principles on which Bitcoin was founded. His copied fork is as fraudulent as a shitcoin can get.
4. CSW and his lawsuit again Hodlonaut
Wright has been involved in numerous legal disputes, often suing critics and people who don’t believe his claim of being Satoshi. Such lawsuits are seen by many as attempts to silence detractors instead of legitimate legal opposition. One of his biggest lawsuits has been against Hodlonaut and his lawsuit has garnered significant attention:
In March 2019, Hodlonaut posted several tweets calling Craig Wright a fraud and disputing his claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto, creator of Bitcoin. Hodlonaut used a hashtag, called "#CraigWrightIsAFraud," which gained traction among critics of Wright's claims.
As a response to Hodlonaut’s tweets, Wright initiated legal action against Hodlonaut, alleging defamation. Wright's lawyers demanded to Hodlonaut to retract his statements, delete his tweets, and publicly apologize. CSW also offered a bounty to anyone who could provide information about Hodlonaut's real identity.
Of course, no one in Bitcoin’s community wanted to support CSW and a big opposition arrived in defending of Hodlonaut. Even a legal defense fund, called "We Are All Hodlonaut", was established to help cover his legal expenses. CSW proceeded in his lawsuit against Hodlonaut, making it a big case but finally, Hodlonaut won and CSW did once again not provide enough evidence to back up his claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto. Also, Wright was sued to cover Hodlonaut's legal fees. CWS vs. Hodlonaut is a great example, how CSW tries to legitimize his shitcoin called BSV and how he always fails to present enough evidence because CSW finally lost against Hodlonaut. We might see CSW presenting more questionable evidence and failing his to prove his claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto again and again, which only would contribute to his track record to be a misleading scammer and fraudster.
His lack of credible evidence supporting his claims and his controversial actions have really damaged his reputation.