It has to double in price every 4 years for a century or sustain extremely high fees!
Just to maintain the present level of security...
Yes! Fairly Obvious!
Which is impossible, as it would exceed global GDP within decades
World GDP is 100 trillion, so yeah doubling every 4 years would indeed go over in "decades"
Each halvening exponentially lowers the security budget; until it is gone!
Not exponentially, but is indeed halving wihout a price increase!
These halvenings continue after exceeding global GDP for atleast 70 years before running out completely
Too bored to do the math!
Fees will also never reach sustained extremes due to the ratcheting effect of the fee market
With current blocks no, with just 10-20 times the block size yes!
Paying hundreds of dollars for a single TX is not realistic in a competitive free market
When fees spike, users leave, all due to the unnecessary addition of the block size limit!
Flase, if users would leave fees would go down!
This all means that BTC's long-term security is unsustainable without extremely high TX fees in the future!
Nope, you just need more fees!
The security of BTC will inevitably continue to decrease until it becomes profitable to attack
Nope, an attack won't be
Hashrate does not equal security; bitcoiners like @saylor do not understand PoW
Partially true, hashrate without cost per said hash rate is meaningless! At the same time false, hashrate is a measure of security!
This chart of miner revenue proves that BTC's security is actually lower now than it was 3 years ago!
Without quantifying security to cost in $ for an attack, no idea!