In BIP32 the derivation path is m/0'/0'/_index_ I don't know of any wallet that uses this path, the closest thing to this is the old Bitcoin core wallet format - legacy format (m/0'/0'/_index_') which are hardened keys/addresses.
In this tool, it's not possible to change the derivation path beyond m/0'/0'/_index_
That is because the first 3 numbers, represent purpose, coin type, and account respectively: is for the BIP number, coin type being for altcoins and the account number is usually 0 but it provides a degree of freedom for you to create more wallets out of a single seed phrase.
The least two numbers are reserved for "change" and the actual address index.
It wouldn't make much sense to open up the BIP32 indexing to arbitrary paths. Besides, I think Taproot's BIP32 path is m/86'/0'/0' or something.
Unfortunately the bech32 addresses generated by iancoleman do not apply to taproot because they are missing the added checksum in bech32m.