Hello there 🌷 if you have stumbled across this post, this is your sign to have a look at the wonderful paintings am selling, you can anonymously order from any private company of your choice situated in the EU, what’s even better is, you can pay with bitcoins!!I won’t have any of your information ℹ️, but you will have full information about me: the artist, I am truly trying to build a trust here. My first painting I sold was on this platform, I fled from war, lost everything, building from the bottom now. I have successfully reached sustenance with my art, where I pour my heart out in lessons I have with kids aged 3 to adults even 90 years old, I don’t look to make profit while teaching, thus if you want some art lessons, I even have some free art lessons scheduled weekly. I cannot price my paintings therefore I have placed this post in auction:)
I welcome all the comments, criticism, ideas 💡 Plus am on the platform after an eternity so if am doing something wrong please message me:)
If I get some good reviews, I will certainly keep adding more, I got a wide collection 🙏
Let’s dive in and have a look:
First series : The mystical forest 🌳
P.S.-Golden edges!!!
<I was inspired to create these paintings because of my 1 year old son, he is a wonderful tiny human but cannot understand much currently but he loves my paintings so I wanted to make something for his room >




Thank you for taking your time to review my post ✉️
Good to be back 🧑🎨