Sticky Bomb (OP)

Activity: 231
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★★Play Plinko or Invest!
August 22, 2024, 01:08:33 PM |
It would be a great injustice to say that someone's decision is wrong, every individual decision is fueled by the mental buildups from environment, peers, upbringing, individual experiences, family and religious values, educational background and psychological factors to mention but a few.
Decisions are produced of the wealth of information and experiences available to an individual at a time which can be more or less depending on the the factors mentioned earlier and personal efforts of the person.
A child raised by caring parents shares and receives love easily compared to another raised with iron fists which sees loving gestures as a deceitful innovation since he/she is foreign to it.
Bringing it down to investments, A child who watched his father get into a bad investment, got duped and quit would have a different view compared to another that his father didn't quit, struggled and found another better investment opportunity that led him to great riches.
THE MAIN PROBLEM IS THIS Everybody has the natural ability to learn, unlearn and relearn where necessary. Failure to do that, you might be operating on an outdated information and poor standards. I'm a nutshell, a person's decision is not wrong, they might only be basing their decision on obsolete information and poor standards.
Most people still view Bitcoin as a scam project, I can't tell them they're wrong since some of them are victims of pump and dump shit coins, crypto scams and other negative stuffs that fueled their beliefs. Their crime is that they only limited themselves to their past experiences and didn't want to at least research, work with historical and present statistics of Bitcoin, compare and contrast before arriving at a decision.
We are always asked to DYOR before engaging in any investment opportunities. I did mine and found Bitcoin to be outstanding and extraordinary, hence my involvement in the forum and periodic accumulation using DCA to boost my Bitcoin portfolio.
We are not wrong in the decisions we make, but it's recommended to regularly update ourselves, make proper researches and be open minded to make better and more profitable decisions.
You're contributions are welcomed 🤗