For example: If driver is drunk you let him to go drive then crash happens ....why you surprised ?
People choose their leaders ....but why they let people lead their countries whos not smart...they never say anything smart ....never say anything much new....and never tell any of realistic ways how to solve much.
The way i see that Biden trump and Even the leaders in europe have mental illness or brain i can't blame on them.
Try to talk with them or listen what they say don't sounds like normal talking.
The trump talk always "we do this we fix this " but never give any real ways how.
The kamala Harris will get elected by poor population because she tell all the miracles and a lot goverment support....but neither she sounds like smart person.
But all those political leaders .... talking they sounds childish....and who ever give power to not skilled person to do the Job is blamed.
Our political leaders have no responsebility becouse they are not mentally ready to lead or make any decisions at all
Best they can do is just put on some "show on tv" that's all but nothing else.
I have good news for you all , our world is great and things are good even that we have those political leaders i was expecting worse but i guess we are lucky thing are not that bad:) it's like the car driver is drunk...but lucky no accidents so far.
I guess the people whos behind and finance the political leaders want that leaders are dumb....then more fun just entertaining for them to see how much mess they make it otherwise it's boring for them and they probably watch this all world like some comedy movie
That's the reality of leaders nothing to sugarcoate about this let's take it how it is.