A year ago, I purchased plat steel SS304 to make sure my 12/24-word mnemonic seeds were safe.
and I thing if I buying a pre-made one is enough expensive, I decided to make my own storage by purchasing a plat SS304 online. It was cheap, costing less than 100,000 IDR, So I could cut it into several pieces, leaving plenty of leftovers for storing other things.
And coincidentally, I currently have job on workshop, and there’s equipment available for metal tempering.
So, I took the initiative to test the SS304 I bought. I want to make sure, as there’s a possibility that the SS304 sheet I purchased might not be genuine.
So If something were to happen, like a fire, I wanted to know if it would melt or withstand the heat.
1. I cut a small piece of the sheet (as a specimen), measuring 65mm in length, 33mm in width, and 3mm in thickness. Then, I stamped it.

2. I prepared to heat it in a furnace using a Nabertherm-branded machine from Germany. Once the temperature reached 900°C, I placed the sheet inside and waited for 10 minutes.

3. After that, I took it out, and with the help of a friend, I quenched it in water (though it might have been better to let it cool naturally without water).

4. The image below shows the appearance after heating and tempering. There were no significant changes, and the stamped text was still readable, though it had darkened slightly.

5. To remove the darkening, I decided to sand it down, and the text became clearly visible again.

Conclusion: The SS304 sheet I bought online is indeed genuine and can stand with temperatures of 900°C for 10 minutes. In some cases, 900°C is the highest temperature reached in a house fire, and 10 minutes is the fastest response time for firefighters to arrive and extinguish the flames with water.
This can serve as a reference to storing your mnemonic seed words on SS304.
a. My reasoning for choosing 900°C is based on [1].
https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20201023194626-12-562173/suhu-api-kebakaran-kejagung-capai-900-derajat-celsiusb. The actual response time for firefighters is 15 minutes [2]. However, since this is a critical matter for me, I can assure you that if such an event were to occur, I would prioritize saving the SS304 sheet from the safe. So, 10 minutes is the maximum; it could be less since I’m confident in the layered safety.
https://sippn.menpan.go.id/pelayanan-publik/sulawesi-selatan/kabupaten-soppeng/layanan-response-time-penanggulangan-kejadian-kebakaran-c. If you’re unsure (e.g., when buying online) whether the plat is genuine SS304, titanium, etc., it’s best to test its composition in a lab.
However, that’s expensive and not cost-effective compared to buying certified genuine products. I conducted the manual test above because I had the opportunity. If you’re in a pinch and unsure, you could try testing it on a gas stove, but make sure to ask for permission from your family first.
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