It would take years and years and years to generate '3KARPE1ESwHERE1SoUrMoNEYxxxx8dXeC5'. Therefore it is likely no one owns the private keys to that address. Any super long vanity address like that.. people ask "wow how can they generated such a long vanity address". The short answer is that they can't, the private keys are unknown even to the creator of the address. As long as the address starts with a 1 or a 3 and has a valid hash at the end of the first part of the address, it is considered "valid" by the client.
Very close, but you must be more precise. All you are saying, all is true and well explained, but there is an subtile difference (not beeing multisig/not multisig as explained) between addresses starting with '1' and starting with '3'.
Yes, it is a RIPEMD valid, but why? .... Best answer until now, anyway